Breathing Space

Position your subject so there is sufficient "breathing room" between the front of your subject and the rendering border. Otherwise, things can appear cramped or crowded-even off-balance. It's unnerving for the viewer to see a subject just about to leave the frame.

​Motion Blur

​Motion Blur

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Keep An Open Mind

A major part of any staging process involved trail and error, shifting objects around while paying close attention to how the objects interact. Consider how colors overlap, how objects cast shadow on one another and how certain effects are more pleasing than others.

Here Are 7 Tips For Better Composition.

  1. Have a basic layout in mind, vertical or horizontal.
  2. Have reference photos
  3. Removing objects can be as helpful as adding new ones
  4. Experiment
  5. Cast shadows are a wonderful way to explain form. A shadow gives solidity to the object casting the shadow, and the shape of the shadow can help explain other forms as well.
  6. As you refine a composition, pay attention diagonal lines and angles created by objects; try to make diagonals more interesting through a slight adjustment. Also avoid creating tangents (places where objects abut or overlap one another) that are visually confusing.
  7. Be open to removing something if it isn't working, even towards the end of th process. Fine tuning the negative spacing, as well as the way the various shapes overlap. ​
​Keep An Open Mind

​Keep An Open Mind

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Good composition

Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.
— Robert Henri

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The CGarchitect Architectural 3D Awards are the largest awards event for the architectural visualization industry. Now in its 10th year, the awards attract entries from top studios, freelancers and students from around the world.

The Architectural 3D Awards were started in 2004 to recognize outstanding achievement in the field of architectural visualization. In such a competitive field it becomes more and more difficult make yourself seen. With the wide visibility of CGarchitect, what better way to use this exposure than to help the artists that make up our community. 2013 marks our 10th annual awards, which will once again take place in La Coruna, Spain during the Mundos Digitales conference. Past awards have taken place in Los Angeles, San Diego and Boston. Over the past nine years many extremely talented individuals and companies have gone on to form new alliances and partnerships and advanced their careers.

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Thumbnail Sketches

Sketching is a good way to build your composition with simple shapes, lines, and tone. Nobody has to see your sketches, and they don't need to be refined; just start sketching. Start with simple shapes, and build upon that. Your sketches can fall into three groups.

A Croquis is a thumbnail sketches that establish the image's main concept and sets the composition by indicating the most important shapes and values.
An Esquisse is a refined version of the Croquis: a more resolved thumbnail with a refined value structure and something closer to the final composition.
Is a drawing of an individual natural element, such as a tree, a patch of undergrowth, or a rock outcropping.

​Thumbnail Sketches

​Thumbnail Sketches

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Creating a Strong Composition

When in doubt, keep it simple. Less is more. Take time to plan out your composition. interesting renderings have a harmonious balance of opposites, such as cool and warm, dark and light, thick and thin textures, detail and ambiguity, and hard and soft edges. The unequal treatment of these elements is pleasing to our senses. Seek an interesting flow of eye movement - avoid a static composition.

Locking Transforms For Blueprint Modeling

Previously, I showed you how I model in 3DS MAX Design by creating a high resolution bitmap, using a DirectX Shader. Well, once you get your blueprints in place, you need to lock them down, so you don't accidentally mess things up.

I want to slide the plane back and forth, but only on one direction, and never up or down. It's very easy to ​accidentally nudge something slightly, so locking things down is very important.

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Creating Depth In An Elevation

This drawing by the celebrated renderer Schell Lewis shows that a subtle use of shades and shadows can offset use of perspective in achieving a sense of depth. The relief and projection depend largely on the form and value of the shade and shadow tones. Note also the way Lewis handles the smaller detail in the shadow of the cornice.

Schell Lewis

Schell Lewis

I love the idea of studying the masters, like the renderer ​Schell Lewis, and using technology to capture the same feeling that they were able to capture using the pencil. Nowhere does it say we, architectural illustrators, have to show perspectives, just because we can. This entrance is a small part of a bigger picture, but Lewis was able to capture the architecture with a small vignette.

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When I was just a kid, I´ve been painting some butterfly in a nice way, the method consist in draw just in one side of the paper then close the both sides to have a mirrored image. The most common image was a butterfly. 

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Custom Home

Custom Home

Here, is a custom home that I am working on, and i thought that I would share with you.​

3D Rendering of a Custom Home

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