Some project last longer than others, it is part of the business. I can do my best to schedule things, however, sometimes that schedule isn't' worth the paper it was written on. The Palma Plaza Renderings takes the award for the longest running project I have ever had in my 25 years in business. I didn't start the project until well after the project's deadline had passed; I was waiting on plans. Halfway through the project, I had to explain the process again and explain that if milestones are missed the deadline is in jeopardy. I always aim to avoid frustrations on all sides, including mine. If a milestone is missed I might have to reschedule things, and I don't like to do that, and sometimes, it could be weeks, and that would cause frustrations. I take milestones and deadlines seriously, and I do lose sleep over these things, even if the project is going smoothly.  Sometimes, if not more time than not, I am far more stressed about the project deadline than my client is. 

Anyway, here are the stills from the Palma Plaza project.