Cut the Crap

Simplicity in one phrase means, “Cut the crap”, in your 3D Architectural Rendering, leave only what you want the viewer to see. Make the background less cluttered, remove unnecessary distractions and have few important elements. Very Simple! 

Clean and Simple Composition

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Finding and Keeping Good Clients

A recent freelance industry report says that 30% of business comes from referrals and word of mouth, and less than 3% from social media. It's an important statistic to consider where to burn your calories to pursue more business. Recently, I tracked my business where it has come from over the last years.

I created a client family tree. More than 75% of my business over the last 20 years has come from an ongoing relationship with one smart, well-connected marketing director. She takes me with her when she makes career moves, and I usually retain business from an organization she's moved on from.

She's referred me to colleagues in various industries. I've been very, very lucky, but there are some things that I've paid close attention to that maybe other architectural illustrators might not have.

In the beginning of a relationship, whether personal or business, I often get clues as to exactly how it's going to go. It sounds a little crazy, but within the first 20 minutes of an initial meeting with a new customer, your intuition will tell you exactly what you need to know. For example, if an agency is disorganized, rushed, and indecisive, you can be assured that the project will be run that way too.

If a customer appreciates what you do, treats you with respect, and communicates with you in a calm, clears and inspirational way, they're probably going to be great to work with. So take off your emotional hat and put on one of objectivity and observation.

  • Do you trust this person?
  • Does what they do really interest you?
  • Do you respect them?
  • Are they hiring you for the reason you want to be hired?

The bottom line is doing good work for smart, well-connected clients is the best business development strategy for a freelancer. Staying away from task-oriented, anonymous, online projects will ensure the potential for more continuous meaningful business relationships.

The goal is to have clients describe you to others as a pleasure to work with.

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Motiva exposure control for V-Ray

Get this plugin for free, compatible with 3dsmax 2012-2013-2014 32&64 bits in conjuntion with V-Ray 2.40.04

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Avoiding Freelancing Scams

Sad to say, some freelancing opportunities, won't be opportunities at all. They'll be scams designed to steal your time, money, or reputation. I can't give a canonical list of scams floating around out there because the criminal nature is to develop new techniques as people get wise to the old ones. But here are some warning signs the prospective job just isn't worth taking. The first kind of scam is one that makes the rounds a lot.


You get offered a job but with a non-specific amount of pay. For example, let's say they offer you a share of profits. Well, how will you know how much their profits are?  Are their books publically audited? Probably not, which means they could offer you any amount or nothing at all, and you'd have no real recourse.

Tied to that one, is the offer to pay you in something other than money, most often in the company's products. Now that's great if you really want their products and they're being offered to you at a higher rate than cash would otherwise buy. But here again, the control is mostly in their hands. What if they stop offering the product you want, what if they go out of business, do the products even exist yet, what's mechanism for delivering them to you?

A variation on this is the promise that you'll get exposure or a great portfolio piece in exchange for your work. This isn't a scam per se. It's just that in my experience, jobs that pay well make much better portfolio pieces.  Having said that, you might actually decide to take such work when you're first building your portfolio. Just be sure to appropriately value what they're offering. Now personally, I can't remember ever finding the value of such exposure to be high enough for the work required.

The third warning sign arises if your client asks you to do something illegal or immoral. As an architectural illustrator, a client will sometimes try to accompany my work with videos or graphics that they snagged online, and that they don't have the rights to. They've already shown they're dishonest or immoral. What makes you think they'll be honest and moral with you?

Another warning sign crops up when you get an offer out of the blue, but you can't really determine the name, location, or contact information for the source. The issue here is one of enforcement. If they mistreat you, you'll have no way to go after them.

Finally, we get to the classic work-at- home scam, where you're required to put in some amount of money to make the deal happen. Let's get something straight. You're going to have business expenses as a freelancer. But none of that money, and I mean zero dollars and zero pennies should go towards someone who is allegedly offering you work or to any other source that you don't choose. This can be tricky. Maybe the client requires that you get some sort of special kind of equipment, or certification but that it's only available from one source. Check it out. There's a chance that, the source is connected to your so-called employer and that you'll never see a penny of work in return.

It is possible that you'll take a job that has one or more of these warning signs, and it will turn out just fine. For example, start-ups sometimes offer equity or stock instead of payment. That stock sometimes ends up being valuable. But this list is based on the likelihood that something is a scam.

These warnings aren't absolutes. When you're deciding which jobs to take, you'll be playing the percentages. Just realize that jobs that have these warning signs carry a higher risk than those that don't.

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"Young Frank, Architect"

This whimsical children’s book by award-winning author and illustrator Frank Viva explores MoMA's collection through the adventures of Young Frank, an aspiring architect, who lives in New York City with his grandfather, Old Frank, also an architect. Young Frank likes to use anything he finds—macaroni, pillows, toilet paper, shoes—to make buildings that twist, chairs with zigzag legs, and even entire cities. But Old Frank disapproves, saying architects only create buildings.
One day they visit The Museum of Modern Art, where they see work by architects Frank Gehry, Frank Lloyd Wright, and many others, and Old Frank learns that architects can do more than he thought. The Franks go home and create structures of every shape and size, using whatever they can get their hands on, even cookies. At the end of the day, Young Frank feels a little older, and Old Frank feels a little younger—and a little wiser.

To download a sample PDF of Young Frank, Architect click here. 

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3D Augmented Reality for Architects - Thanks to your smartphone or tablet computer, you can view your 3D model in real time and at a 1:1 scale.

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Preparing your Portfolio

Every time you talk to prospective clients, they'll want to know why they should trust you.

Remember, it's not just money. If someone does a bad job for them, they might not have the time to get it done right. So, the stakes are high. Your past work is one of the strongest ways to show that you're right for the job. Collecting it in a portfolio is one way to convey this information.


Once you have all the pieces in one place, you need a way to display them. Nowadays, the usual place is a portfolio website. If your potential clients live more in the off-line world, or if you expect to meet a lot of them face to face, you might also want to have a printed version of your portfolio. I've assumed that you have work to show.

What if you're trying to freelance in an area where you don't yet? Frankly, I'd recommend you reconsider your choice because the lack of a portfolio is really going to hamper your efforts. One other option isto plan to start with forms of marketing that don't require a portfolio. For example, advertising.


Another is to do some jobs for low pay or even for no pay to build up your portfolio. This is a good opportunity to do favors for family, friends and non-profit organizations that you support.

Finally, it's a good idea to create two other pieces to complement your portfolio. The first is a brief text that summarizes your experience, maybe a hundred words or so. You'll use that in e-mails, applications and marketing materials. Eventually, you'll have several versions of it for various purposes. I personally keep a plain text file on my computer so that they're always at hand. You'll also want to create a resume. It'd be nice if others could intuitively sense that you're right for a job, but they can't. They need to be shown and nothing convinces as well as a clearly presented record of success.

That's what a well- prepared portfolio does for you.

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The key to success? Grit

In her late 20s, Angela Lee Duckworth left a demanding job as a management consultant at McKinsey to teach math in public schools in San Francisco, Philadelphia and New York.

After five years of teaching seventh graders, she went back to grad school to complete her Ph.D. in psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is now an assistant professor in the psychology department. Her research subjects include students, West Point cadets, and corporate salespeople, all of whom she studies to determine how "grit" is a better indicator of success than factors such as IQ or family income. 

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Hands on with Autodesk 's FBX

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How to create layers from Photoshop Layer Styles

How to create layers from Photoshop Layer Styles
Creative Quick Tips | by Justin Seeley
View this entire Creative Quick Tips course and more in the library.

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