Digital Grunt

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The Psychology of Color

The Psychology of Color

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I'm an Architect Rap

"Yo, Where my red lines at?" 

I picture Frank Lloyd Wright, while you think I'm Mike Brady 
And engineers devour our work and call us crazy 
We got rounded specs, but they ain't for looks 
It's from staring at our screens and all those history books 
We turn an empty space, into a world of possibility 
Maintaining privacy, and tranquility 
Graduate from school, about to change the world, 
But I'm stuck designing thrones with a clockwise swirl 

We're architects oh! With creative flair 
Re-designing the world, from buildings to chairs 
It's a daily grind, but we love what we do 
A satisfying job giving you a better view 

Lord of the Elmer's, and king of scraps 
Making models our of paper, and plastic bottle caps 
I'm a master of BIM, making lines with dashes, 
Except I'll lose my mind, if Revit *bleep* crashes 
GREEN is gold, and LEED is big, 
Know the golden triangle, and learn your trig 
Challenge the formula, push the envelope, 
Put more glazing over here. That looks really dope! 


Crank the A/C in the office just to stay awake, 
Espresso and Red Bull till I got a stomach ache. 
With our cotton blazers high, we have a sense of style, 
But to the rest of the world we just point and smile 
I read code books, while I'm on vacation 
Take pictures of, my latest creation 
We wear black and gray, with no logos on our threads 
So many sleepless nights we're like the walking dead 


Got so many scales, myswell (might as well) call me a fish 
Does your lawn look boring? I'll design you a dish 
Starchitects, no!, call them Hollywood actors, 
Cause they can't deal with general contractors 
Spec book wasn't clear so I got these RFI's 
Clients making changes that we all despise. 
We got better FORM, than Jordan's jump shot 
And designs that function like a million dollar yacht. 


I'm an architect, "Oh you mean like Ted Mosby?"


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Understanding How Light Works

Understanding how light works are essential to creating dimension in your architectural rendering—there’s no way around it.

Let there be light!

Let there be light!

Think about it, without the contrast of light and dark there is no way to show depth or dimension, everything would just be flat and lifeless. You’ve probably seen examples of this with flash photography. When the flash is used improperly it can blast light into every crack and crevice, completely eliminating the contrast created by the shadow areas. When this happens, your subject goes flat, and you lose the dimension that brings life to your work.

Whether you think you understand how light works or not, your brain does. I know that probably sounds a little creepy—your brain has a mind of it’s own—but it’s the truth. If you look at a rendering where light hasn’t been used properly, you’re brain is going to know that something isn’t right. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to harness the power of light in your architectural renderings!

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When Is Noise In A Rendering Okay?

Noise and grain are not necessarily bad. Architectural illustrators sometimes intentionally generate this texture for interesting, creative effects. For one thing, it can add to the mood of a rendering. Think of the kind of image you often see on jazz or rock album covers (remember those?). The photographers who create these images often go for as much noise and distortion as they can, because it seems to best suit the subject matter and environment. 

Generally though, most people want a rendering with rich colors and sharp, smooth detail.



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SolidRocks V1.2.4 is out !!

SolidRocks V1.2.4 is out !!

SolidRocks adjusts and optimise all needed Vray parameters to reach the best rendertime/quality ratio.
Learn Vray progressively, see in realtime changes made by SolidRocks when you change resolution/quality.

SR V1.2.4 includes new tools for both VrayMasters and Beginners:

  • Works with V-Ray 2.4 ;) and max 2014
  • New RT button (Max 2013 and 2014 only) for easy one clic RT launch !
  • Now Includes MOA Wizard (animation wizard) - More info here !
  • New DR and BB buttons for network rendering
  • FlyThrough animation Wizard !
  • Compatible with SigerShaders
  • 1 click process for complete Vray setup !
  • Modular and small interface (GUI)
  • mini preview for fast feedback
  • auto Exposure and Auto White balance tools
  • friendly and Very simple usage
  • Full LWF gamma correction with useful options
  • modifiable presets : exterior, interior...
  • learn Vray watching SolidRocks at work !
  • shareLightcache tool to speedup slaves warmup
  • materials and lights optimisation for best rendertimes
  • switch from draft to production settings in one click !
  • gain time... Lot of time !!

New Vray users can also learn essential rules of Vray, observing changes made by SolidRocks when resolution and/or quality are changed.

Vray Masters can customise SR and presets and use SolidRocks as a custom settings automator.

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Copying Rendering Techniques

Copying rendering techniques is one of the most challenging and revealing ways for, 3D artists to test themselves and further their abilities.

Copying the 3D artwork of the masters are something every 3D artist can relate to. Copying is a form of inquiry that can bring significant understanding to an artist. And the practice is not just for beginners; even master 3D artists have returned to copying for their own edification.

The practice of copying drawings dates as far back as the 14th century and has long been considered one of the best ways to learn.

Copying good ideas.jpg

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