Music exists in time; visual art exists in space. Yes, the two have much in common. It's intriguing to find music texts speaking of "directional lines through space," and of intervals and other terms we would have thought were exclusive to visual arts. Likewise, visual artists speak of rhythms, tempos and movements - all better known as musical terms. Many concepts overlap, and the overlaps have things to tell us.
Variations in tempo create rhythm, intervals of space or size have a similar impact in visual art. Anything of a similar nature that appears in sequence but can be broken or separated at irregular intervals. - a line of clouds or mountains, a border of foliage - also creates rhythm. Repetition is the key. When you look at a row of trees or picket in a fence, and each is lined up with military precision, with no variations in intervals of space, there are no surprises, nothing to take your breath away. But suddenly one tree or picket steps out of line or leaps above the rest. Something is happening, and we watch to see what comes next. The effect is subtler than its equivalent in music, but the impact is significant.
Movement may be diagonal, horizontal, vertical, pyramidal, circular or perhaps convoluted. These are lines of sight through a picture plane - directional lines through space! They are created by edges of contrasting value or temperature, by objects of repeated shapes or color, or applied line. The eye follows up, over and around, wherever those lines of sight lead. How rapidly the eye follows may be determined by how straight and unencumbered the line is., how hard the edge is, or, with implied line, how widely spaced the objects are that form it. Straight lines that converge have the effect of "zooming" the eye along towards their junction; if the line stops, the eye stops, too. Remember, you, the artist, make it happen, All this is under your control.
Compositional schemes are varieties of movements meant to move the eye through the rendering. The eye flows along one applied or implied line until redirected. In Western culture, we read left to right. Horizontal and diagonal patterns tend to lead the eye out at far right, rather than turn them around to revisit the entire picture plane. So to block the eye from making a rapid exit, we add an eye-catcher, otherwise known as a "stopper"