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5 Great iPad Apps for Architects

An iPad might not replace your laptop or home computer, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get some work done on one or have a little bit of creativity time. Let’s look at some apps that you might find fun or useful.

1) Autodesk® FormIt – Free

Autodesk FormIt is a fantastic app for being a free offering. FormIt is Autodesk’s answer to programs like Rhino and especially SketchUp. If you have an afternoon, you can learn this app. If you know SketchUp, it will take less time than that. FormIt comes with a plethora of tutorials to get you started, let’s you do your BIM on satelite images, and is easy to use. You can also sync your files with in the cloud with Autodesk® 360 and Revit. For free, this app seems like a great choice.

Autodesk® FormIt –

2) Procreate – $4.99

While not necessarily geared towards the architectural community, Procreate is a great app for doing simple, to very complicated sketches. It’s a great tool to have around so that you can ensure you can get your ideas onto your iPad before you forget them and they are lost forever. The app is easy to learn, and reasonably priced at $4.99. It does feature some in-app purchases, however, they give you a lot of tools out of the gate so that they don’t nickel and dime you. I would also recommend a stylus with this app.

Procreate –

3) Architizer – Free

Architizer is an online forum for sharing architecture pictures and information. While I found the website somewhat interesting, the iPad app seems to be a much better fit for the content. The Architizer iPad app allows you to scroll through numerous pictures of architectural installations. When you tap on a picture, the app gives you information about the building, the designer, the location, and other information. The app reminds me a lot of pinterest or flipboard, but for the design of buildings. You can also share what you find through twitter and other forms of social media.

Architizer –

4) Morpholio – Free

Morpholio is the portfolio for the modern person. Instead of carrying around a giant folder featuring your work, you can now display it using your iPad. Not only does it help you organize your work, you can also share it, follow other architects, and create layouts. It’s a great way to showcase who you are and what you do.

Morpholio –

5) iDraw -$8.99

iDraw is a great tool for making vector images. While not as robust as Illustrator or some of Autodesk’s offerings, it works great for the iPad and is a great jumping off point for ideas. iDraw also works well with Dropbox. The app also seems to be updated frequently, making for a better and better product.

iDraw –

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