Main Street Phase II
Often, people approach me for commercial renderings, saddened that it looks like I don't do commercial stuff. Oh, but I do, and I do just as many commercial renderings as residential renderings. Most of my commercial renderings are under NDS's, so I can't share. I need more on my portfolio page, but there usually isn't any confusion once I explain.
An NDA is a contract through which the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. I am always entertained by how close some people hold their design to their chest and others don't. I often get the architect refusing to give the developer, my client, pdfs to even provide a quote. If you were to look at my hard drive, I have 1000's drawings, and I have never entertained the thought of sharing anything with anyone, and believe me, people have asked. I get emails from people seeing a rendering on my website and reach out to me asking for the drawings… really?
The Main Street Phase II renderings aren't under any kind of NDA, so I can share. Actually, my contract says that I can share my work freely, so I am not sure how it works with an NDA.
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