As a rendering develops, you may realize that the solution to various compositional problems are resulting in unnecessary complexity. Your rendering might be deteriorating into fragmentation, and it commonly results from the artist's working on one segment of the composition at a time. While this may be a necessary part of the developmental phase of the rendering, such as isolated solutions may result in a lack of visual unity in the overall composition. However, by applying the principle of the economy, the rendering may regain a sense of unity.
Employing the principle of the economy means composing with efficient expressing an idea as a simply and directly as possible with no arbitrary or excessive use of the elements. Economy has no rules but rather must be an outgrowth of the artist's instincts. If something works with respect to the whole, it is kept; if disruptive, it may be reworked or rejected. A rendering is most successful when you express your ideas as simply and directly as possible.
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