House 7046 Rendering

What a great-looking house 7046 is. This client chooses a softer feel to their architectural renderings, which is accomplished with a series of filters. Although nothing beats an actual watercolor, I think these always turn out great.

During the early '90s, I started rendering with watercolor and other media. I loved the process, the smell of the paint, and almost everything about watercolor architectural renderings. I made a living doing it, and once computers became the norm, I quickly learned to create my renderings digitally. I would have probably found myself out of business had I not pivoted. A few hand architectural illustrators are out there, but most are retired, and it has become their hobby. Every couple of years, I get the itch to hand illustrate again, buy everything I need to get started again, but life always gets in the way. Maybe someday!

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Grayscale Renderings


2453 South Home Rendering