Happy New Year!

What a year 2023 has been. Here are my 2023 stats

  • 119 projects

  • 521 stills

  • 26 animations

Each project was unique, and I gave my best effort to each project. I am a one-person shop, with some outside help if needed. My outside help is modeling custom assets like furniture and fixtures.

This year would be my second full year in San Diego, CA, and that has been a culture shock. The weather is beautiful, sunny, and warm almost every day of the year. I have hiked all the significant peaks within a two-hour radius and spent a lot of time hiking the desert and on the ocean. The cost of living in paradise has been the most significant thing to try to acclimate to.

What is in store for 2024? Who knows? Not be, for sure. 2023 treated me well, both personally and work-wise. If this coming year goes equally well, I would be pleased. I aim to continue working on my skills by implementing new software and upgrading hardware to better serve you, my excellent client. I'll continue to work on work/life balance, which I am getting good at.

I have never been a New Year's resolution maker, but if I had to make some, I might try to spin something up on YouTube. I'll get an email with questions a few times a week, most of which I have answered a dozen times before. I am an enormous YouTube viewer and want to add to people's playlists. I can point people with questions to my YouTube channel.

How about you? Any new years resolution? I would love to hear them. You can see my work on my website at www.Bobby-Parker.com. Please check out my blog section for information on running the project.

Happy New Year!