Get Paid, Not Played!
Good news: Senators Robach and McDonald have both signed on as co-sponsors of the Freelancer Payment Protection Act.
This crucial win puts us in a much stronger position to get it passed because both senators sit on the Labor Committee – the group that needs to review our bill. Even better, Senator Robach is the committee’s chairman.
And it’s a direct result of your work: many of you attended meetings with your senators to lobby them, and provided your own personal stories of nonpayment so we could share them with legislators.
That’s what it takes: all of us coming together to make our voices heard. And it’s working.
Please visit Senator Robach's Facebook page and email Senator McDonald to thank them and let them know we’re grateful for and counting on their ongoing support of freelancers.
Sara Horowitz
Founder and Executive Director
P.S. We’re not letting up now: we’re sending a new member’s story every week about how deadbeat clients affect their livelihood. If you have a story you’d like to tell, please sign in to share it in The Freelance Life.