Welcome to the Dolphin Residence rendering. All projects have a story and their own obstacles, and the Dolphin Residence rendering is no different.

This rendering project took a while to come to fruition. Most of the time, I get a request, we exchange a few emails, and either it becomes a project or doesn't. Some, like this one, come in, a few emails are exchanged, and I don't hear back for a while. A few more emails will be exchanged, and again, nothing for a few weeks, and then, BAM! "How fast can you get these done!" When this happens, I can be pretty sure that that is how the whole project will go, and in this case, I was spot on.

I appreciate all clients, and I try to understand people. I mean, I am in the business of helping people, and I deal with all kinds. I received my drawing files, posted the grayscale within a couple of days, and I didn't hear back for a month with an email asking, "how fast can I get the updates!" “Also, the design has changed”. At this point, I have other deadlines, and I have projects scheduled to start, so things get complicated. I don't like to make people wait, so I try to pull double duty to get things done. So, after working hard to get my client their updates as fast as possible, I don't hear back for a few weeks; "if I give you comments right away, can I get these updated within a couple of days?".

As I said, I try to be patient, and the project does get done. However, it can create hardships on other projects. Also, if I get two or three of these simultaneously, there is a significant issue, and every project suffers. Sometimes I have to simply reschedule a project, which has to be based on my current schedule.

I remember buying a co-worker a sign for his cubicle. It said, "Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine." I gave it to him because he liked to say it.

These tuned out beautiful, in my opinion, and my client likes them, too!

I would love to here your experience with clients. Please, leave a comment.

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