Architectural renderings are both a science and an art. The building of the 3D model is pretty straightforward and nonsubjective and is the science. Adding texture and materials, the same, for the most part, is a science. Composition, which includes light, shadow, and camera location, plays a significant role in fundamental art theories. Post-production is art at its best, and it is where most fall short. 

Some might think post-production is just a place to fix mistakes in the rendering. Most might brighten or darken their image or apply a warming filter and call it a day. If you are like me, you try to be a master of your craft; you always learn ways to improve that craft. If you hire a professional illustrator, they'll probably have some research and development budget, which I do, and that money is allocated for learning new things. There are other types, too. 

  • The person who hasn't changed the way that they work for decades, and you can tell.

  • There is also the person sent to an annual seminar, which is usually a vendor's event, and it is agreed to so they can get out of the office for a day.

People like me, learn daily and only keep things that work and make our craft better. One thing I have used over the years is a Photoshop plugin called Lumist 2. This plugin uses science to apply art. it'll look at your image, classify the image into ten luminosity levels, and it'll allow you to apply artistic effects based on that science.

Live Tone Map: The Total Map changed the way we edited images and gave us deeper insight into our light. With the new, faster Live Tone, the Total Map updates in real time as you work. It works exactly like it sounds. Lightened your image? darkened it down? Live Tone shows your changing tones so you can decide how to use them.

Perfect Select: With these tools, you can choose any part of the light and apply it instantly to any layer, group or intelligent effect. Select Zones, skin tones or colors and apply effects and layers fast with the beautifully designed non-destructive vertical editing system developed to give you better results.

Effects, One Clicks and Silver: The next generation of Lumist’s Color Luma. Detailed color control for specific areas of your image. Live Tone showing that one spot that is just a bit off? Luma Painters can fix that, no problem. Need actions for Silver? Or maybe a quick, powerful one click? All here, and you are gonna love’em.

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